Saturday, June 2, 2007

A bit away from Photos

Aboriginal Drum
Originally uploaded by Andrew Edwards.
Hey Everyone,
I apologize to those of you who wanted photos done in the last week at the last minute. I was in Saskatoon, SK, Canada attending a Congress of Humanities. I was representing my school of social work. Clearly Saskatoon is one of the most beautiful cities in Canada. The tremendous amount of green space in the city makes its it a photographers dream.

While there I was certainly enlightened on the different cultures that are in our society, namely aboriginal culture. It was the first time I had actually attending a aboriginal dance ceremony, let alone being able to converse with these people to find out more.

All in all, it was certainly a grand time. I would like to thank the Memorial University, School of Social Work for funding my trip. As well, to all the people that I met and helped my further my education.

Check out my flickr site for more photos of Saskatoon at


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