Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Cuteness

The Cuteness
Originally uploaded by Andrew Edwards.
Well I have been waiting for the right baby portrait to enlarge. I did a photoshoot with the Cousins last week and here is the candidate for the enlargement. This is their daughter Erin was taking a break from the photos to smell the flower in her hand.

Besides that I have been busy processing and getting photo packages to my clients. I am still awaiting, like many others, the pricing on the newest round of Nikon camera bodies.

If you want similar photos of your own child send me an email at info@andrewedwardsphotography.ca


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Andrew,
Just a small correction. My last name is Mulrooney-well- actually Mulrooney-Cousins. My husband and Erin have the last name "Cousins".

Sorry for any confusion, my e-mail still has Mulrooney alone!
