Saturday, April 14, 2007

Frenchmans Cove Shoreline

Southern Shoreline
Originally uploaded by Andrew Edwards.
Well today was quite an interesting day. I started the day by crashing my remote control airplane. Anyway, the day ended with a beautiful sunset.

I have a small portion of coastline in Frenchmans Cove, Newfoundland that I love photographing. I have been wanting to get a shot of an abandoned building on the shoreline with a nice sunset and today provided me the opportunity.

I got there and realized that over the winter months it had blown down. Oh well, I will find another. I grabbed my gear bag and tripod and put on some rubber boots and started off walking the very rocky shoreline. I ended up tasting sea salt for an hour and got quite cold but managed some shorelines shots.

I was there right before sunset and next time I'm hoping to have the time to stay there a little bit after sunset to help with exposure times.


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